Usage Guide

A lot of our pet parents already feed fresh food to their dogs, however, there still might be some unanswered questions that we may be able to help with. Please do have a read of this blog and if there are still unanswered questions, we are always available on WhatsApp! 

Transitioning to Perfekt

  • If your dog is ONLY on a kibble diet and with very little consumption of wet/fresh food then do a gradual shift of 20% of fresh food into their meal per day. 
  • This way the transition will be over a course of a week and their body will adjust better. 
  • If it is the first time you are feeding Perfekt then do so only in the morning because if there are any unwanted reactions then you will have a better chance at getting medical attention. 

Storage of Meals

  • Our meals DO NOT require any refrigeration. 
  • If opened please aim to complete the pouch in one go. 
  • If you want to use one pouch across multiple meals then we recommend that you refrigerate the same and then bring it to room temperate at the time of feeding. 
  • You may freeze it for longer shel-life, if opened. 
  • Contents in the pouch DO NOT contain preservatives. This means that the food behaves in the same way that any home cooked food does. Please do judge the freshness at the time of feeding.

Hydrating the Meals

Our food contains a lot more moisture than kibble but sometimes you might have to add a little more water to it to make it more appetising for your dog. 

This is a trial and error process but once you figure it out it will remain the same for your dog. 

How to Feed?

There are no special instruction here. You could either empty the whole contents into theirr bowl or use as topper for other meals you may be making for them. 


DO NOT use the pouch if the it is:

  • bloated
  • leaking
  • broken

Contact us and we will help you out with the same.